
Siapa yang ngga suka Oreo?

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2020

The Way of Creating Student Involvement in Medical Education

Indonesia, needs to find good medical doctor in reaching out national prosperity. But it’s not easy to create, maintain, and improve the human resource in medical field. The education system and curriculum will play an important role. Currently Indonesia is looking for the best strategy in graduating proper medical professional. Mostly we use student-based education system in recent year. But we have to realize that there are still many things to improve. Also, controversy among lecturer which expect conservative way of study. In their opinion, student-based curriculum wasn’t effective enough.

     Me, admit that student involvement needs proactive role by student self. But the big question rises up, our students have a huge interest in these systems? A little number of professionals didn’t believe on their student totally. They have a reason, after a period of time medical student can’t prove. For example, most of student use problem-based learning (PBL) session not for discussion. Whereas PBL session was the key for medical students to manifest the student involvement curriculum. Usually students are more interested on topics which occurs highly on the community. Such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. As they thought that they will face it directly. Actually, the medical council has decided “competency standard” for specialist or general physician. It makes every PBL mostly discusses about popular diseases. Hope it will improve student interest in studying medicine.

     After my several surveys regarding how hard for studying medicine in their own faculty. The majority said that the absence of module gives significant effect. Mainly medical school will present a guidance, for example; module. Absolutely agree. Every or almost medical school only provides a guide for laboratory practice. We saw and observe that OSCE or OSPE’s score usually higher than MCQ.  In my opinion, medical textbook must be completed by module. Especially for a book which made by European/American contributors. The module will give boundary in what topics are compulsory for medical students. So, I believe with this strategy students would be more proactive. As I have stated in the previous paragraph. One crucial requirement for building student involvement in medical education curriculum.

     Recent years, medical students are depending on lecturer’s presentation. Even though we all knew if presentation file isn’t the main focus. Presentation draft explains only the key point. Student involvement is needed by developing those key points. As far as they are willing to be active. However, the reality is strongly different. Students should be expanding more their module and presentation file which they got from the lecturer. I believe by this method, either faculty or student will finish the academic goals perfectly. Next, we all agree to emphasize all lecturers must present their reference. Could be a textbook, journal, and research that they have attached in his/her presentation file. It means that students will have the same perception with learning objectives.

     The last, my opinion about the student involvement in medical education curriculum are school architecture. It should be more positive if every medical school creates half-circle shape class. It builds better discussion among lecturer and student. Simply, the lecturer can observe all his/her student. The way of conservative teaching could be prevented (one-way communication). Also, students have a right for asking and giving their opinion during the class. Finally, we can call it appropriate path in actualizing student involvement in medical education and curriculum. (Prima Cakra, 2020)

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019

Memetik Manfaat dari Kegiatan Pertukaran Pelajar

Sepuluh siswa SMA Terpadu (SMAT) Krida Nusantara, Bandung, tengah bersiap-siap menanti penerbangan menuju Melbourne, Australia. Mereka adalah Anggina Dwi Reswari, Helen Anastasya, Levy Almas, Alvieda Giffani, Tri Anggita, Zulfikar Caesar, Jonathan Reza, Prihartanto Nursatya, Lucky Jeremy, dan saya sendiri, Prima Cakra. Kami merupakan duta pertukaran pelajar yang terpilih dari sekolah setelah melalui beberapa tahap seleksi.
            Setelah 6 jam penerbangan dari Jakarta tibalah kami di kota destinasi, Melbourne. Di sana kamu langsung dijemput oleh orang tua asuh (guest parents) masing-masing. Seperti diplomat, kami ini mengemban nama baik negara sekaligus memikul tanggung jawab menyampaikan budaya baik bangsa. Kesepuluh duta disebar ke tiga sekolah di Kota Melbourne, yaitu PEGS, Fintona Girl School, dan Scotch Collage. Pengalaman luar biasa mulai kami rasakan.
            Bisa berinteraksi dan mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris langsung dengan sumbernya merupakan kesempatan emas dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. “Selain kami yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, mereka juga  beberapa kali memamerkan keahlian bahasa Indonesia mereka di depan kami meskipun sangat banyak terdapat kesalahan dalam tata bahasa ataupun pengucapannya,” tutur Jonathan Reza. Kebetulan, di tiga sekolah tersebut memang ada kurikulum bahasa Indonesia sebagai subjek mata pelajaran pilihan.
            Kami yang tergabung dalam program pertukaran pelajar ini mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran sekolah layaknya pelajar di sana. Kami juga ikut merasakan kegiatan ekstrakulikuler seusai jam sekolah regular seperti sepak bola, rugby, hoki, tenis, dan sebagainya. Di luar itu, tentu saja kami juga tak menyia-nyiakann kesempatan berjalan-jalan mengunjungi beberapa destinasi wisata dan menikmati suasana Kota Melbourne Bersama siswa pertukaran dari negara lain. Duta pertukaran pelajar yang ditempatkan di Scotch Collage, misalnya, mendapat kesempatan melihat hewan-hewan khas Australia di Heasville Sanctuary dan mengunjungi tempat ditemukannya emas terbesar kedua di dunia, Soveirgn Hill.

Mengenal lebih dalam
            Tak dapat disangkal remaja saat ini sedang dilanda arus westernisasi. Apakah menguntungkan atau merugikan? Keduanya sama-sama memberikan alasan yang kuat. Namun, siapa yang tahu pandangan kita tentang kehidupan barat tidak total benarnya. Para pelajar pertukaran sudah mengalami langsung bagaimana keseharian yang dilakukan masyarakat di Kota Melbourne. Kebebasan liberal yang mereka anut terutama oleh generasi muda bukanlah tanpa batasan-batasan tertentu.
            Generasi muda benar-benar menjadi fondasi bagi kemajuan “Negeri Kanguru”. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah negeri tersebut sebisa mungkin menjaga keberadaan mereka. Jarang terlintas bahkan hampir tidak pernah ada pemuda berumur 18 tahun melakukan perilaku-perilaku yang sebetulnya hanya dilakukan orang dewasa. Mereka pun tidak malu untuk menggunakan kendaraan publik meskipun ketika sedang berakhir pekan Bersama rekan-rekannya. Hebatnya lagi perilaku itu mereka lakukan tas kesadaran mereka sendiri bukan hanya karena paksaan aturan yang mengikat.
            Upah pekerja di sana memang cukup tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan di Indonesia. Pekerjaan yang hanya dilakukan setiap akhir pean saja bila dirupiahkan bisa mencapai lebih dari satu juta rupiah. Tak mengherankan kalau banyak mahasiswa Indonesia yang tengah mengenyam Pendidikan di sana cenderung mengambil pekerjaan sampingan. Hal ini tentu menjadi pembiasaan yang bermanfaat bagi terbentuknya kemandirian.
            Dalam hal makanan, ada satu hal yang saya cermati, mereka tidak dapat membuat makanan layaknya orang Indonesia yang kaya akan rempah-rempah dan dengan teknik pembuatan yang cukup rumit. Mungkin ini juga disebabkan dinamisnya kehidupan di sana yang membuat mereka terpaksa melakukan segala sesuatu serbacepat. Untuk satu hal ini, menurut saya, kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia harus bangga memiliki variasi kuliner yang kaya dengan cita rasa.
            Bila dicermati lebih mendalam kegiatan pertukaran pelajar selama satu bulab ini sangat bermanfaat untuk membuka cakrawala, mengamati budaya positif dari masyarakat Australia yang tidak ada salahnya kita adaptasi. Tentu saja bukan hal sadap-menyadap seperti yang ramai dibicarakan di media belakangan ini, ya. Semoga saja kegiatan seperti ini bisa menjadi wahana memperkaya wawasan dan kemandirian. (Prima SMAT-KN)

Jumat, 15 Februari 2019

Cara Tepat Belajar di Asrama

Seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa kita menempuh pendidikan di sekolah berasrama. Berbicara soal cara belajar setiap orang berbeda-beda termasuk di Krida sendiri. Nah, artikel ini akan membahas tentang cara belajar sekaligus menyangkut-pautkannya dengan kehidupan siswa berasrama. Selamat membaca
  • Menyesuaikan pola pikir
Setiap orang pasti memiliki pola pikir yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itulah disetiap membaca dan memahami isi bacaan harus dengan kemampuan masing-masing.
  •         Sering berdiskusi dengan teman
Secara tidak langsung belajar dengan berdiskusi akan mempercepat pemahaman karena yang kita ingat bukan materi tetapi hal-hal yang kita lakukan. Lebih bagus lagi yang kita ingat ialah hal yang menarik.
  •         Fokus belajar saat jam sekolah
Salah satu masalah belajar siswa di asrama adalah kurangnya suasana belajar. Jadi manfaatkanlah kesempatan belajar di sekolah dengan maksimal. Jangan sampai tidak memperhatikan apalagi sampai tidur. Survei juga membuktikan efektifitas kegiatan belajar mengajar disekolah besarnya sampai 80%.
  •         Sering berbagi ilmu dengan teman
Jika kita memiliki ilmu alangkah baiknya dibagi-bagikan dengan teman. Kemudian sekalian kita berbagi ilmu kita juga belajar materi yang kita ajarkan. Satu lagi, ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah pahala yang tidak putus-putus. (Prima SMAT-KN)

Delegasi Handal SMAT-KN

Gedung Sate menjadi saksi perjuangan siswa-siswi SMA Terpadu Krida Nusantara meraih penghargaan Best Performance dalam lomba simulasi ASEAN (ASEAN MODEL) 2013. Sebanyak 10 siswa-siswi Krida mampu berperan apik sebagai delegasi salah satu negara Asia Tenggara. Dengan memakai pakaian laiknya orang yang terhormat ditambah dengan kefasihan berbahasa Inggris membuat semua juri kagum akan keahlian siswa-siswi Krida. Meskipun tidak menjadi juara utama dalam turnamen ini tetapi semua guru pembimbing merasa puas. Perwakilan dari SMA Terpadu Krida Nusantara ini melewati dua tahap sebelum menjadi best performance yaitu babak penyisihan yang dilaksanakan di Aula Universitas Pasundan sementara itu Gedung Sate dipercaya menjadi tempat terselenggaranya babak Grand Final. Sekali lagi SMA Terpadu Krida Nusantara menunjukan eksistensinya. Semoga saja dengan hasil ini SMA kita yang tercinta ini dikenal oleh masyarakat. (Prima SMAT-KN)


Bukan masalah bagi kita untuk dapat ikut merubah keadaan dunia meski sedang berusia muda. Apa kalian tahu 'Peacekeeper' itu? dari terjemahan bisa kita maksudkan sebagai penjaga perdamaian. Orang-orang yang tugasnya menjaga perdamaian dunia mungkin sering kita lihat dengan pakaian layaknya tentara dan helm berwarna biru. Indonesia juga ikut dalam menjaga perdamaian dunia lho! namanya Pasukan Garuda, mereka sudah dikirim ke berbagai negara mulai dari Lebanon, Mesir, Kongo, dll. Bahkan dari awal kemerdekaan tepatnya tahun 1950-an pemberani-pemberani dari negara kita sudah menunjukan eksistensinya. Peacekeeper Indonesia juga mendapat apresiasi dari PBB atas kegigihan dan kinerjanya.
Di dunia internasional peacekeeper mendapat wewenang untuk menetralkan situasi yang sedang bergejolak. Tugas mereka tidak semerta-merta langsung menerobos ke negara lain sehingga dapat menghindari yang namanya intervensi. Apa yang mereka lakukan merupakan rekomendasi dari PBB setelah berkonsultasi dengan negara yang bersangkutan atau dengan organisasi yang terkait contoh NATO atau CSTO. Peacekeeper dipilih dari berbagai negara disesuaikan dengan kualitas serta pandangan ideologisnya.
gambar dari http://www.worldrisk.cz/four-peacekeepers-killed-in-sudan-in-ambush/
Sampai saat ini Peacekeeping Indonesia yang berada diluar negeri bukan hanya menjaga perdamaian dunia dengan membawa senjata. Mereka juga menghibur anak-anak yang sedang berada dalam tekanan serta mengadakan bakti sosial daerah setempat. Sebagai contoh kemarin prajurit TNI mempersembahkan tarian-tarian tradisional tanah air di International Sultannie Scholl-Tibnin lebanon. Sehingga citra negara kita sebagai negara humanis semakin terbukti.Mereka-mereka yang berjuang memelihara perdamaian dunia rela meninggalkan tanah air tercinta demi tugas yang diemban.Bisa kita sebut orang-orang itu adalah pahlawan-pahlawan bangsa Indonesia di zaman modern ini.
Mereka-mereka yang sedang mendapat tugas di luar negeri juga bergabung dengan penjaga perdamian dari negara lain. Ternyata Peacekeeper Indonesia memiliki kekurangan dalam penguasaan bahasa dan ilmu pengetahuan. Sehingga jarang ada yang menjadi force commander. Hal itulah yang menginspirasi pihak TNI untuk memperbaiki kualitas pusat pelatihan peacekeeper. Rencananya akan dibuat markas latihan yang lebih modern dan representatif di daerah Sentul. Bagaimanapun pembangunan peacekeeping center ini merupakan bagian dari institusi yang lebih besar yaitu The Indonesian Peace and Security Center. Dengan semua usaha tersebut diharapkan bangsa Indonesia mampu semakin berkontribusi dalam menciptakan perdamaian dunia sekaligus mengangkat nama bangsa Indonesia. (Prima SMAT-KN)

Rabu, 11 Juli 2018

[Report] AMDA Conference for Asian Chapter 2018

by Muhammad Prima Cakra Randana (AMSA-Indonesia)

On 26-28 January 2018 AMDA (Association of Medical Doctor of Asia) held Conference for Asia Chapter 2018. The writer at once Liaison Officer to AMDA, AMSA International are invited to attend the event as a guest. It’s an honor for me could represent our lovely organization. AMDA Conference held in Hotel Sentral, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Beside me Overall Chairperson AMSA International, Wong Soon Kuen also present. At this conference, AMDA would like to review the progress of their recent efforts, including Global Partnership for Sustainable Peace (GPSP) as well as AMDA Platform for Nankai Trough Earthquake Disaster, and extend these ideas to their new concept “World Platform for Disaster Medicine” which will help consolidate their footsteps in the years to come.

Participants of the conference are AMDA Headquarter, Chairperson of AMDA Chapters, partners, AMSA International, and AMSA-Japan. Activity started with the chapter’s accountability report. Every AMDA Chapter shares their activity yearly. So much positive action did by AMDA. Not only disaster relief, but also humanitarian aid for society. Second agenda was recalling AMDA’s GPSP (Global Partnership for Sustainable Peace) and their philosophy by AMDA Headquarter. Which presented by their founder. Did you know if the founder of AMSA International and AMDA is same? Yes, he is Dr Shigeru Suganami. Luckily, I have a picture with him. Third, AMDA partner such as the Fukuyama Hospital Institute give a speech regarding their association and promotion. Last but not least AMSA group (AMSA International, AMSA-Japan, and AMSA AC) are given an opportunity. Wong Soon Kuen (Ken) share about what AMSA International is, executive committee, and subsidiaries.

Selfie with dr Shigeru Suganami
In this occasion, both AMSA International and AMDA improve their partnership. Even create AMDA-AMSA relation Standing Committee. Aims to enhance cooperation and bridge relationships. The Chairperson is Dr Jongmin Lee from AMDA Korea who also AMSA Alumni. Me and Ken becomes member of AMDA-AMSA group. Furthermore, there are an update from Triple A (AMSA, AMDA, AMSA AC) Partnership Program, which presented by Dr Mami Hirota from AMDA Singapore. Nearest project will be held in Nepal. The participant is coming from National University of Singapore’s medical student. Good luck for delegates!

At welcoming dinner, everybody shows their talent. An event that writer never imagined. Everyone who involved in conference proudly presents their culture. Dancing, singing, and playing instruments. Honestly, I love the traditional song from Sri Langka. Rhythm and musical mode made me feel happy. The writer thinks it’s a big chance for cultural exchange. Beside entertainment session, the writer learns so much from a participant who definitely more experienced. They share idea how to build relationship between the association and create good partnership. Dr Sadar Abdun Nayeem from AMDA Bangladesh become moderator of the two days conference. Organized agenda and on time he managed to hold. Last, we hope AMDA could maintain even improve their positive action. What they did for society was really great. Then hope AMSA-AMDA partnership becomes stronger than before. Because we have the same dream to create a better future. Thank you very much 😊

Kamis, 21 September 2017

A Timeless Processed Fish; Pempek Palembang

Today, as usual, I woke up from my bed, prepare for college and ready to write a new story. After having personal preparation I walked into the kitchen for having breakfast. Can you guess what is my meal for today? I have 4 pieces of pempek complete with cuko, a pair of Palembang’s traditional cuisine. Simply that was a perfect formula on facing new experience, never bored on them !. Even sometimes in one day I just having pempek for completing breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In my opinion, pempek recently has transformed into staple food coupled with rice for Palembang’s citizen. You will find it so simple, pempek is sold by various segments of society either by a five-star restaurant or street vendors.
Pempek originally is made by fresh fish, sago flour, salt, and some additional ingredient depend on its type. At first, fish has to destroyed into small pieces and mix it with water, flour, and salt. It seems so easy to step on process making pempek, exactly make the taste of pempek depend with feeling skill and experience. We can make a mixture from various kind of fish starting from tenggiri, gabus, etc. Every difference of fish, a composition of flour, amount of water will create different taste even that was too little. Historically, there have been pempek in Palembang since the influx of Chinese immigrants to Palembang, which is around the 16th century while Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II ruling Palembang Darussalam Sultanate. Pempek name believed to come from mention apek, the term for the old man Chinese descent. Based on folklore around the year 1617 a 65-year old living in Daerah Perakitan (banks of Musi River) are concerned witnessed fish catches abundant in the Musi River. The result has not been entirely put to good use, almost citizen just both frying and boiling it. The old man then tried other treatment alternatives. With fellow Chinese friend, he minced fish meat mixed with tapioca flour finally resulting new foods. The new food sold by them by cycling around Palembang city and citizen’s response was satisfying. Because pempek was vend by bicycle sometimes people were yelled “apek-apek” to making them stopping their vehicle. In the long run, most people called the new food as pempek because it spell ed repeated belong to the seller. 
Recently there are many kinds of pempek, especially after significant technology development and globalization. Every bargainer is competing on selling pempek, as much as possible gain public attention. Lenjer, Adaan, Kapal-Selam, Kulit, are some general type of pempek which has been existed, in my opinion, all of them are yummy. Might be people other than those staying in Palembang are mostly recognize Pempek Kapal-Selam, the big one therewith egg yolk. You will identify it look like shell form swimming on black water accompanied by some cucumber. Second most popular are Pempek Lenjer, simply every people if be commanded making pempek are preferred to choose it. Pempek lenjer is simple to make, the shape is long and tabulates no more additional ingredient beside primary substance. My favorite is Pempek Adaan because taste very strongly met by spice and no fishy smell at all. It has ball-shape and sometimes pempek adaan are filled by rough garlic depending on appetite. Almost pempek’s appearance are white except for Pempek Kulit who have dark gray color. Because pempek kulit are made by fish’s skin not the same as the others. If we give pempek to some cat around us maybe pempek kulit will be hotly contested because of very strong fish flavor. In health side, pempek contains a variety benefit especially because contain fish. Everyone will receive a high amount of protein, calcium, phosphor, and some vitamin which is useful for health. It also can be alternative to replace rice because sufficient carbohydrates daily need. Consumption of fish for Indonesian people classified as below average according to data. Processing fish’s resource into pempek could be the best solution for creating high attention of fish consumption.
Today people are creative on making pempek, some innovation is presented to us. Newly in Jakarta, we have heard about Pempek Hitam, created from special black charcoal which safe for our body. The idea to create a black Pempek crossed by the seller Jovita and Devi Halim (quoted from Tribune-Kaltim, December 5th, 2015). "Because our parents are from Palembang and see pempek is a traditional food that is very distinctive and also good that comes to mind to sell pempek in Jakarta, with the aim that pempek be more attractive to the public," said Jovita, owner Pempek Shinta. They said that purpose of making pempek Hitam is getting teenager’s attention to eat traditional food on leisure time. Moreover in Palembang city exactly, Pempek Krispi now being a famous name among people’s conversation. It is further development, a new variant of pempek kulit which has been discussed above. Pempek krispi has wonderful taste and tempting, the best recommendation for you who hate fish aroma. They also have very thin shape compared to another type, making us sound like eating a cracker. Hereafter pempek raw materials are not always fish, makers sometimes create it from shrimp, squid, even meatless. Yeah, the last I spell is called Pempek Dos, just consist of flour and salt. Globalization, rapid development, and economy demand have push people to be more creative.
Usually eating pempek are companies with special complement called cuko, black creature with a unique flavor. Quotes said that eating pempek is never delicious if not completed with cuko. How to make this liquid? Just need brown sugar, garlic, tamarind, chili, and salt. Cuko has a function to prevent us from nausea because of fishy taste form that pempek. Everyone recognizes cuko as weak black water with spicy-sweet sense, don’t confuse with vinegar (acetic acid) although they have the same label. Simply pempek and cuko are the best cuisines for everyone, every time, and every moment